07903 841939
Workplace Mediation
We are passionate about – restoring and supporting harmony in the workplace.
We offer mediation services to support the resolution of workplace disputes, and unlike the rest of our services which are designed for SME's, workplace mediation is a fantastic option for businesses of any size, industry or sector.
Workplace disputes are commonly relationship issues between colleagues, where individuals become unable to work collaboratively. Mediation provides a confidential and safe space to work through this and agree how best to move forward to achieve a positive working relationship. Mediation can enable a variety of issues to be resolved outside of formal procedures, saving not only time and money, but avoiding unnecessary stress to all parties.
What happens?
Prior to the mediation taking place, Rachel will call both parties individually to ensure they happy to proceed with the mediation, and to address any concerns or questions they may have about the process. On the day of the mediation, Rachel will meet with the parties individually to explore in detail the nature of the issues that exist between them, and she will spend as much time with both parties as they need until they feel comfortable to come together. During the joint session the focus will be on how they can move forward positively together, the aim being that by the end of the day they have created and agreed on some firm actions which will be documented in a formal agreement.
What do we need to do?
The first thing to do is to call Rachel to ensure the mediation is the right solution, most disputes can be mediated but occasionally there will be a more appropriate course of action. You will then need to discuss mediation with both parties and get their consent to mediate. We will then agree a date and location for the mediation to take place.
You will be responsible for venue bookings and costs, and ensuring that we have all necessary equipment, usually this is limited to a flip chart, paper and pens - but depending on the issues to be explored, sometimes a projector screen is useful. The venue will need to have a minimum of two meeting rooms, ideally three. The meeting rooms must be confidential spaces, and not within ear shot of one another. Unfortunately, if the rooms are not appropriate to support a successful mediation, the mediation will not go ahead, but will still be charged.
Can it be done remotely?
Yes. Mediation can also be carried out online via Teams or Zoom, in which case we can arrange this for you. There will be two separate meetings running, to ensure complete confidentiality until the parties agree to come together.
£1000 + VAT (excl. travel and accommodation costs if applicable)