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Rachel Legon

Why do people feel singled out or hard done by, when all you want is for them to do their job?

It’s possible they’re lazy, entitled or apathetic, BUT, it’s also possible that you are the problem or at least part of it (sorry 😕). Here’s why...

⭐️Did you hire based on proven ability, and shared values, or chemistry? I get it, you meet, you click, you want that person in your team. However, if they don’t share your company values AND have the technical capability, you can be sure how this one is going to end!

⭐️Have you set clearly defined, achievable objectives? Do they understand the real purpose of their role and how they fit into the bigger picture? You can’t assume that your expectations are obvious and you can’t expect someone to perform with no direction - they might do, by chance, but the chances of success are far higher if you provide the clarity, context and deliverables which underpin your expectations.

⭐️Do you have open and honest discussions about performance, ensuring feedback is regular and balanced? This is super important, even for the best performer, but for someone who is struggling, how can they improve if you don’t give feedback?

Performance discussions needn’t be challenging, but all too often I hear concerns from managers about how they should approach issues, fearful of getting wrong or worried about creating conflict.

Very few people will set out to underperform. Most want to be happy, fulfilled and successful in their role and if they’re not, there could be any number of reasons why. Make sure you’ve got the basics right, take time to understand the issue, support where necessary but remember - you have a business to run, a team to think of and you also want to be successful, happy and fulfilled in your own role... the worst thing you can do is nothing!

By taking positive action you will either support them to be successful in their role or enable them to move on in the kindest possible way to find the opportunity that’s right for them, elsewhere.

If you would like to discuss a performance issue in your team, please do take advantage of my FREE advice sessions for new clients. Up to 30 minutes of my time, free of charge to give you a clear action plan and top tips to avoid the same issue arising in the future.

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